Featured Courses (July 2023)

Hotshot courses to highlight for your users this month


Topic: Corporate Governance

Course name: Board of Directors

Course description: The function and makeup of a board of directors, including who sits on a board, how directors are elected, the board’s powers and basic fiduciary duties, and a look at board committees.




Topic: Trial Practice

Course name: Cross Examination

Course description: Strategic guidance on the meticulous preparation required to conduct cross examination. Includes how to organize your outline, decide what to cover, start and end your cross, and draft effective questions. Also discusses how to adjust your plan in real time based on the witness’s direct, how to use exhibits, and other tips for a successful execution.




Topic: Accounting & Finance

Course name: Depreciation and Amortization

Course description: A summary of how depreciation and amortization work and how they show up on the financial statements.



A PDF version of these featured courses is available here.

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