What’s included in a Hotshot course?

Courses include videos, quizzes, outlines, and exercises. 

Videos: Hotshot videos provide simple explanations of complex concepts. They average about 10 minutes in length, and are broken into sections of a few minutes each. Videos include a mix of engaging presenters, graphics, and document walkthroughs.

Quizzes: Our interactive quizzes test what you’ve learned in the videos and include explanations of the right and wrong answers.

Outlines: Outlines summarize the key points from the videos and can be downloaded and used for future reference. Firms and schools also use our outlines as handouts for CLE programs and classes. 

Exercises: Exercises are used by organizations to run engaging training programs, such as flipped-classroom sessions. Exercises include hypotheticals and worksheets and are accessible by account administrators, who can download and distribute them internally.